Saturday, March 30, 2019

My Seymour Experience: Tyler Holland

Tyler Holland

Going on the Seymour trip, at first, sounded really fun. Growing up I had always wanted to be a paleontologist and had been pretty much obsessed with dinosaurs and everything about them. After having a nice talk with Dr. Ott and Mr. Roddy about what the trip entailed and what we would be doing, I didn't want to go as much. This was probably because through the talk, my mind only gathered some key words: Scorpions, Spiders, Hot afternoons, and Cold mornings. At this point I'm dreading going and am wondering how I got myself into this, but I packed my things and got ready for a fabulous 8 hour car ride. Once we got there and got into the routine of what we were doing, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. It was pretty much everything that I had wanted to do growing up and I truly did have a lot of fun digging through dirt for hours looking for things that looked slightly different than dirt. A thing that I really loved about the trip was getting to know some of the people we worked with (Paleontologists are pretty funny people). Dr. Bakker bestowed a lot of knowledge on us and was really helpful in the whole process of learning exactly what we were doing/looking for and how to find it. It might have taken a while to learn all of the names of the dinosaurs we were digging up, and even longer to stop saying dinosaurs since they technically "weren't around at that time", but in the end it was a great project that I had fun working on. We also got to spend a lot of time together as a group at the ranch and eat (a lot), spend time outside, and spend time inside because it got cold at night too. I really liked going to Seymour and while I am going to try to go somewhere else next year to learn newer things, I definitely recommend this trip to all of my other peers.

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